About Us

Our Existence

Blue Oak International Private Limited is a sales and service-oriented company registered in New Delhi. Blue Oak is the soles seller and service provider for footwear-related machines supplied by Kingsteel, Chenfull, Dah Tyan, Yi-Tzung, United Chen, Ten Sheeg, etc. We deal in footwear related machinery, moulds, and dies made in Taiwan and China.

Our Aim

Our main aim is to offer complete satisfaction to customers by suggesting the appropriate long term use machines with low maintenance cost. We have the latest machinery that are built for the best performance working on the newest technologiess.

Our Values

Blue Oak posseses a specialized technical team trained from Taiwan to look after the post-sales service. We value our customers to the most and keep them at our priority in sorting every issue pre and post the purchase. We cater to all major footwear manufacturers based in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.